Div Click offers digital marketing services targeted to boost your business image online helping you reach potential customers faster than your competitors.
Are you a brand, Business, Organization or Public Figure looking for Digital Marketing in Ghana ? Look no further as we offer all-in-one and standalone solutions cutting across various digital channels. Digital or online marketing makes it possible to get access to emerging markets and channels that can prove to be very valuable to your business.
Digital or online marketing makes it possible to get access to
emerging markets and channels that can prove to be very valuable to your business.


Our Digital Marketing Offer Benefits...

International Reach

Your products and services reaches an audience wider and global by investing in our digital marketing packages.

Measurable Results

With us, you get access to reliable realtime statistics and reports of how your campaign goes which help you refine marketing strategies and efforts

Cost Effective

Unlike traditional marketing channels like Tv/Radio / Papers, digital alternatives are cost effective and can stretch or fit into any budget.

Smooth Customer Experience

We ensure consistency of customer experience and expectations across the various digital media channels

Competitive Edge

Utilizing the various digital channels for online marketing such as Google and Facebook Ads helps to get you ahead of the competition

Brand Development

You able to more accurately target your audience and increase brand engagement by reaching them where they're are: online hence increasing your brand awareness

...and many more
Digital Platforms We Cover
Facebook Adverts

If your brand is not available on Facebook, then you are missing a large amount of potential customers. We help you With Facebook Paid Ads, you can target users from a particular country, state and city. Choose the target gender, age range and type of users according to their interest. Even you can target users by type of mobile phone users like iPhone Users, Samsung phone users etc.

Types of Promotion on Facebook

  • Page Likes Promotion
  • Promote your website to get clicks/visitors
  • Multi-Product Ads (Carousel Ads)
  • Offer Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Lead Ads
Instagram Adverts

Instagram is still one of the fastest growing social networks in the world today with over 1 billion active users. We run video ads, single image ads, or showcase multiple images in a carousel to gain you more leads and brand awareness at the same time reaching a wider audience.

Youtube Video Promotion

Videos play very important role, when it comes to drive traffic from Google. Seeing popularity of video sites like Youtube, Vimeo etc., video promotion has become a good way to target your crucial keywords to promote your business through videos.

We have expertise in this;

  • Optimizing videos with your products keywords
  • Linking of your website with Videos
  • Image Slideshow Video
  • YouTube videos get quick promotion on Google Results
Google Display Ads

Using Google display ads can be an incredible option for generating new leads, higher sales conversions, and boosting customer loyalty for your brand. The Google Display Network (GDN) gives you an opportunity to catch customers while they’re in action. Your brand can reach them as they are using different apps, devices, and websites. Currently, Google Display Advertising reaches over 90% of all Internet users.

There are various Ad formats available in the GDN Network Available for you to utilize;

  • Text Ads
  • Image Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Dynamic Search Ads
  • Rich Media Ads
  • Responsive Display Ads
  • Engagement Ads
  • Gmail Ads
Digital Marketing Packages